

The new yogurts for dogs and cats from Nutriplus

What is Yoguplus?

Yoguplus PETS is a range of yogurts specially designed for pets, our dogs and cats deserve the best.

Yogurts are foods that are part of our diet, why not offer this dairy also to our pets?

For this we have created Yoguplus PETS, our companions can also enjoy all the benefits of yogurts, but with some designed specifically for them.

These yogurts are lactose-free, since many furry dogs are not able to digest and process it and this can cause intestinal discomfort and also without added sugars.

With prebiotics

They help promote intestinal health, development and immune system function.

Lactose free

Dogs and cats are not able to digest this sugar found naturally in milk.

No sugar added

It should be avoided because it can cause obesity and in some cases diabetes. It can also generate the famous loss of vision.

With collagen

Protein that helps maintain strong joints and bones, as well as healthy skin and hair.

Yoguplus yogur pro digestive


With PRO Digestive Yogurt, you can help him achieve a lighter digestion thanks to the prebiotics and fiber in this natural yogurt-based supplement.

Prebiotics are an essential substance that help promote intestinal health, development and immune system function.

Hard bones

HARD bones yogurt has multiple benefits thanks to the blueberries it contains in its composition.

Blueberries are a very healthy fruit for humans, but they are also beneficial for dogs.

Yoguplus yogur hard bones_HQ

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